How to Keep Red Worms Safe in Winter

How to Keep Red Worms Safe in Winter

How to Keep Red Worms Safe in Winter Worm composting is what gardeners call vermicomposting where worms convert organic waste materials to very beneficial soil additives that enrich soil fertility and help gardeners in producing organic food. Some classes of worms are highly adapted to decaying organic waste materials and flourish and reproduce well in such materials. Red Worms or Red Wigglers also fall in the same category and convert millions of organic waste to compost for home gardeners and commercial farming facilities. These worms produce worm castings, also called…

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Red Worm Composting in the Wintertime

Red Worm Composting in the Wintertime

Red worms typically need warmer temperatures to be able to compost; however, what do we need to do during the winter period to keep them in more temperate conditions for them to continue composting? How can we do red worm composting in the wintertime? Winter composting is achievable as long as you are aware of how to take special care of the needs of your red worms. The moment winter begins, the red worms can feel the cold climate because the worm bin starts to absorb the cold temperature. When…

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