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Basic Steps To Making Your Own Red Worms Composter

Basic Steps To Making Your Own Red Worms Composter

So how does one make a red worms composter? It’s actually very doable. You can even make one from scratch just by recycling a few of the things that can be found at home. To know more of your worm composter options, and to get more tips on how to start building one, read further more of this article.

Vermicomposting is basically a natural process that uses worms with the breaking down of organic wastes, into a more valuable resource. Red composting worms are quite capable of producing an organic-based product that can be used as a fertilizer for plants, or as an amendment for the soil. This natural fertilizer helps boost the immune system of plants and soil by infusing these with the nutrients and minerals it contains. We can only expect nothing but natural content since worms are only fed with unrefined materials (such as scraps from the kitchen or garden).

Now with a slight background on what a red worms composter is needed for, let’s head on to the materials that can help construct it. And before you can even produce worm compost for your future gardening needs, you will have to prepare the materials for its construction first:

Now that you’ve got the essentials prepared, you’ll need to start drilling holes near the top surface, and a few more ones under the base of the composter. The holes will function as ventilation (about ¼ inch in diameter) and drainage (about an inch in diameter) holes. Your compost worms will need their oxygen supply, thus the need for ventilation holes. The drainage holes on the other hand will serve as a means to draw out excess water from the bin (to also keep your worms from drowning). It would also be a good idea to place a tray underneath the bin, so that it will be able to catch the leachate from it.

A red worms composter will not be complete without its bedding, and of course its batch of worms. The red wiggler worms bedding should always be kept moist. Keeping it too dry or too wet will bring serious health hazards to your worms.

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