8 Best Worm Composting Thermometers (Review)

8 Best Worm Composting Thermometers (Review) redwormfarms.com

8 Best Worm Composting Thermometers (Review) For earthlings, optimum temperature plays a pivotal role in our lives. The same goes for the tiny little worms, who are working day and night to give you a fertile compost. So, to keep your little wormies healthy, active and make them live happily in their settlements, temperature plays a pivotal role in addition to other factors. Worms are efficient in warmer temperatures. The best temperature prescribed to take the optimum results from your worms is 80 to 160 °F (27-70 °C). See our…

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Temperature Guide for Red Worms

Temperature Guide for Red Worms - redwormfarms.com

Temperature Guide for Red Worms Like every living organism, Red worms also need favorable temperature and a conducive environment where they could survive and perform decomposition functions. Many organisms living in an ecosystem naturally break down the crumbling material by ingesting them into their bodies to provide some valuable nutrients for other living organisms like plants. Red worms categorically placed in detritivores also perform a similar job and contribute significantly to our ecosystem and food production chain. Redworms with other decomposers are considered the caretakers of an ecosystem. Without decomposers,…

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